Hemp is an incredible resource and manages to integrate very well even in the culinary environment. From the seeds it is possible to obtain a precious oil and a flour with excellent nutritional properties, rich in vitamins, minerals, omega 3 and omega 6.
Even the flowers of the plant can be used in the kitchen for the preparation of tasty food. Unlike seeds, which do not contain active ingredients, the inflorescences, when consumed, produce the classic effects of cannabis.
The recipe par excellence that includes the use of buds (or scraps) among the ingredients is definitely cannabis butter. It can then be replaced with the classic cooking butter for the preparation of first and second courses, cakes and desserts, giving an amazing touch to your dishes.

• 500g of Butter
• 20g of dried flowers or 35g of small leaves (the better the quality of the starting material, the more potent your final product will be)
• 300ml of water
• 1 pot (casserole) and a saucepan; in this cannabis butter recipe we will use the bain marie cooking method, so the saucepan must contain the saucepan.
• 1 fine-knit cloth; gauze or cheesecloth are ideal.
• 1 container
• Kitchen thermometer (optional).

The main cannabinoids develop in acid form, THCA and CBDA, inside the resin. Through the application of heat, the acidic cannabinoids are transformed into THC and CBD, activating their psychoactive properties. This process is called decarboxylation.
Chop the tops coarsely and arrange evenly on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 105-110 ° and bake your inflorescences for 30-35 minutes, taking care to mix them every 10 minutes so that they do not burn.
Once you have decarboxylated hemp you will need to chop it as finely as possible. You can use a blender, a food processor or simply your grinder.
At this point you are ready to put yourself in front of the stove. Take the saucepan and fill it with water. Place the saucepan on which you are going to melt the butter, over low heat throughout the cooking period.
When the butter has almost completely melted, add 100 ml of water and the finely chopped flowers.
It is appropriate add a little water throughout the process at the same time that this evaporates, so as not to dry the preparation and risk burning it.

The secret to the success of the recipe is to make simmer the mixture without ever reach the boiling point. If tiny bubbles appear on the surface, and not the classic bubbles that are seen in the cooking water of the pasta, you will be in the range of ideal temperature (85-90 °).
In this way the cannabinoids do not evaporate and the cannabutter will not lose its effectiveness. Using a cooking thermometer can make this step easier. The cooking time can vary from 1 to 4 hours. Some recipes recommend extending the infusion for up to 24 hours.
We believe that following the stove for a full day is excessively demanding, although the longer the brewing time, the more cannabinoids will be retained by the butter fats.

The cannabis butter is almost ready. You will only have to filter the vegetable residues and let the preparation rest for a few hours in the refrigerator. Place the cloth over the container and pour the slightly warmed liquid butter.
The important thing is that the cloth used for filtering has a fairly fine mesh to retain the chopped inflorescences. A gauze folded several times or a fabric such as cheesecloth are ideal.
Drain all the mixture well by gently forcing the outflow and place the container in the fridge after it has cooled down.
In the following hours the remaining water will separate from the fat part of the butter.
Take care to eliminate the excess liquid and after the butter has completely solidified you will have an excellent ready-to-use cannabutter.
You can also keep the butter in the freezer and use it if necessary. In this case it is better to divide it into portions to defrost when necessary.

There are numerous recipes that call for butter as an ingredient. It can be spread on a slice of bread together with a soft layer of jam or it can be used in the preparation of confectionery products, such as cakes, biscuits, ice cream and parfaits.
It is also used to soften and round the taste of red meats or, more simply, to flavor a pasta dish.
We offer you some simple recipes in which to replace the classic butter with cannabis butter and give a touch of class to your desserts.

For the success of this recipe it is necessary to use a molded pan for muffins or cupcakes. Even better if you use the appropriate cups. Combine the solid ingredients in a bowl: flour, yeast, sugar and a pinch of salt. In another bowl, prepare the milk and eggs, melt the butter and add it to the preparation.
At this point, combine the two compounds, also integrating the vanillin or vanilla beans, and half of the chocolate chips, stirring vigorously until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Pour the mixture into the molds, filling the shapes up to a few centimeters from the edge. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
Once cooked, garnish the muffin domes with a few pieces of chocolate. Serve the muffins cold or at room temperature.

Soften the butter and work it with a spoon until you get a soft cream.
Add the sugar a little at a time, then add the egg with the flour mixed with a pinch of salt and yeast. Incorporate the bitter cocoa and on a baking sheet, greased or covered with greaseproof paper, arrange the dough forming circles.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° for 10-12 minutes, checking the doneness from time to time.

This dessert is very easy to prepare and takes just about ten minutes. Our recipe calls for the use of 2 cups of 200 ml each. Melt the butter and beat the eggs with the sugar. Combine the 3 ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture. Add flour, cocoa, baking powder and milk while continuing to mix everything.
Pour the mixture into the two cups and cook in the microwave for 1-2 minutes at 700-1000w.
Let it cool and share your mug cake with whomever you prefer.

Crumble the cookies before starting. Whip the eggs with the sugar and add the cocoa and the softened butter.
Just keep it at room temperature for an hour or just heat it in a saucepan.
Add the liqueur to taste, we recommend a teaspoon of Rum, and the crumbled biscuits. Work your wet hands giving it the shape of a salami and wrap it in baking paper.
At this point, just leave it in the refrigerator for 2 hours and your cannabis and chocolate salami is ready to serve in slices.

Melt the butter over low heat and add half of the white chocolate into small pieces until you get a creamy mixture.
Whip the eggs with the sugar and vanilla and mix everything with the butter and dark chocolate.
Chop the remaining chocolate into small pieces, mixing it with the chopped walnuts or hazelnuts, and stir in the flour.
Combine the two preparations and pour them into rectangular shapes, oiled or covered with baking paper, to give them the classic brownie look.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. If you prefer to use milk or dark chocolate, simply replace the weight of the white chocolate with the corresponding one.